Call for papers
AI4GS (Ai for Global Security), supported by IFIP 12.13 AI for global security, located in Paris, CyberCampus, Tue. November 19th, 2024.
The IFIP AI4GS Conference is the annual international event organized by IFIP Technical Committee 12 (AI) on Global Security (TC13) and supported by IFIP, the International Federation for Information Processing.
We are actively seeking papers and posters submissions from academia, industry and government representatives presenting innovative research on all aspects of AI applications to Global Security.
Global security is a large multidisciplinary field which refers to the ability of offering protection and defense to citizens of the world. Global security addresses a large spectrum of domains such as environment, health, politics, food, finance, terrorism, war, regulation, etc. In other words all domains that include military and civil protection of goods and people.
The AI4GS Workshop, first of a series, is interested in exploring how artificial intelligence can support and shape global security at large. It deals with various techniques of AI like natural language processing and video analytics for threat intelligence in different fields of security including cyber security, social networks monitoring, video surveillance, public safety, defense, finance, etc.
The objective of this multidisciplinary session is to gather both researchers and practitioners to discuss methodological, technical and legal aspects of AI used for global security in various fields and to share the feedback on current security applications using AI.
The workshop topics include (but are not limited to):
Generative AI, risk ontologies, computer assisted threat detection, reasoning methods, knowledge capitalization, effective information and knowledge search, decision support systems, fake news detections, events extraction, emotion detection, machine translation, face recognition, regulation.
One day workshop featuring talks, panels, posters, and sponsors booths
Estimated audience size : 100 to 150 people
Conference form will be:
- Keynote speakers
- Presentations of peer-reviewed papers, including discussions
- Presentation of posters
- Sponsors’ Booths
- Final discussion on needs and challenges for the future
Paper Submission and Publication
∙ Authors should submit papers in Springer format as PDF on easychair AI4GS-24 or send to
∙ Accepted and presented papers will be published in IJCAI proceedings –electronic ∙ Extended versions of selected papers presented during the conference will be published as Springer AICT series.
Important dates and writing tips
- . Abstract submission (max 500 words) deadline: extended to July 15th, 2024
- . Paper submission deadline: extended to September 15th, 2024
- ∙ Notification of acceptance/rejection: Sep 30th, 2024
- ∙ Camera-ready version deadline: Oct 15th, 2024
- ∙ Conference: Nov 19, 2024 Paris
Abstracts are 200 to 350 words. Papers formatting should follow the Springer conference proceedings Word template.
See also the Springer Writer’s cheat sheet about abstract and article contents.
Organizing committee members
Dominique Verdejo, Chair of IFIP WG12.13 AI for global security;
Pr Eunika Mercier Laurent, Université de Reims, Champagne, France. Chair of IFIP TC12 AI
Dr Frédérique Segond, INRIA. Co-chair of IFIP WG12.13 AI for global security. Security and Defense mission Director, INRIA.
Dr Patrick Perrot, Gendarmerie Nationale, National Coordinator for Artificial Intelligence,
Dr Arumugam CHAMUNDESWARI, Professor, CSE at SSN College of Engineering, India
Prof Dr. Sanjay Misra, Senior Scientist, Department of Applied Data Science, Institute For Energy Technology, Halden, Norway
Antoine GUILMOTO, Competitive Intelligence and Enterprise Protection Expert
Conference Website
Registration, Publication proposals and Schedule
Related workshops
ICSDP 2022, International Conference on Security and Data Protection, first AI4GS Conference.
IFIP SEC2024 International Conference on Security and Privacy Protection in ICT systems
Primary contact for the organizing committee.
Dominique VERDEJ0,