International Conference on Security and Data Privacy (ICSDP) is the first conference to be organised under the prestigious banner of IFIP TC12 WG 12.13 AI for Global Security.
This WG12.13 promotes the security concepts involved in AI and the one which is a currently active domain across many fields, right from Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Arts, Commerce, Medicine, etc. We invite the researchers to submit their research articles to this conference to raise the standard of this group and create a platform to outreach society, about the importance of AI in a global society in an efficient way. Thereby, we request the domain experts to submit their research papers either based on practical or theoretical nature issues of security and privacy concerning individuals, organisations and society.
The conference welcomes submissions within, but not limited to, the following areas:
- Artificial vision, video analytics
- Blockchains and distributed ledger security
- Cloud security and privacy
- Cryptography
- Cyber Forensics
- Cyber physical systems security
- Deep learning and machine learning
- Distributed systems security
- Embedded systems security
- Learning and Intelligence
- Knowledge management, modelling and simulations
- Multi-agents and autonomous systems
- Natural language processing
- Network and systems security
- Privacy metrics and policies
- Privacy preserving Data mining
- Privacy protection and Privacy-by-design
- Privacy technologies and mechanisms
- Security and privacy for the Internet of Things
- Social network security, privacy and trust
Important dates (Submission date extended)
- Full paper submission(starts on) : Jul 26, 2022
- Full paper submission(ends on) : Nov 15, 2022
- Notification of authors: Nov 30, 2022
- Submission of the camera-ready papers: Dec 5, 2022 (including registration and payment of authors)
- Conference: Dec 14-15, 2022
We welcome you to explore more about the conference by following the link,