ICSDP Conference was held on December 14th and 15th under the patronage of Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering.
We had the pleasure to welcome as keynote speakers Dr Anthony WONG, IFIP President and Mr Omar SEGHROUCHNI, President of Morrocan National Commission of Data Protection. The following speech introduced both keynote speakers and positionned our research directions.
Introductory speech of the WG12.13 AI4GS Working group
ICSDP is the first of a series of events dedicated to various facets of global security. We address these key topics with Artificial Intelligence approaches and techniques.
AI is recognized as the most powerful algorithmic technique known today to help machines support human operators in automation processes and complex cognitive tasks.
It is straightforward to think of AI in order to protect people and assets as security is a priority requirement to any activity.
If we apply a risk analysis, we’ll find that the most valued assets, the essential assets can be classified in three categories:
- Physical goods and money assets
- Data
- Processes
Protecting essential goods requires deploying physical protection and data protection, which in turn requires setting up an additional layer of information systems dedicated to cybersecurity. One may think of firewalls and antiviruses, XDR, EDR or SIEM, SOC as examples of such Security layer components.
From a physical point of view, sensors of all sorts can be deployed and their outputs monitored, analyzed, fused in control centers.
From a logical point of view, data can be classified and data access supervised, leaks can be prevented.
In all these three domains, a risk based security management induces the creation of organizational and technical measures to mitigate risks and ensure security.
In all these three domains, monitoring, correlating, pattern matching and decision making are required to process information and react to unexpected new threats.
As digital transformation is rolling out, information processing is invading all human activity, providing lots of actionable data that can be used to fuel the AI algorithms.
But computerization aso carries its downside, offering a new domain of vulnerability to potential adversaries and requiring cybersecurity to be thought of and deployed.
But it also provides a new opportunity, the advent of a new global security era where data security, systems security and physical security will not reside in distinct siloed systems but will rather exchange and strengthen mutually to provide optimal protection to the whole system.
IFIP International Conference on Security & Data Privacy 2022 Inauguration
ICSDP2022 Session1
ICSDP2022 Keynote Talk
With courtesy of Dr. V. Balasubramanian,
IEEE Senior Member, ACM Senior Member,
Life Member ISTE, CSI
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science & Engg,
SSN College of Engg,
On behalf of IFIP WG12.13 and TC12, thanks to the keynote speakers, conference organizers and researchers. We look forward to organizing the next WG12.13 AI for Global Security conference next year and welcome brilliant researchers and new ideas.
Merry christmas and happy new year!