
This is home of IFIP TC12 WG13 (Technical Committee 12, Working Group 13) dealing with AI for Global Security.

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is a leading multinational, apolitical organization in Information & Communications Technologies and Sciences, established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO as a result of the first World Computer Congress held in Paris in 1959.

TC12.13 is  in synergy with other IFIP TCs involved in various aspects of security: WG1.7, WG5.15, WG8.11, WG 9.10, TC11, WG12.6, WG12.12, WG13.7, WG14.8

Register as a member of the AI4GS international Association and become part of the TC12 WG13 Workgroup. AI4GS is member of the French AssoConnect group of associations.

In a climate of geostrategic tensions and fight against terrorism, we see technology redefining how humanity perceives the world: data and communications are exponentially growing, the frontier between virtual and physical environment is gradually melting, social networks pour massive amounts of information over the populations, fake news and deception are common ways of large scale opinion manipulation, cyberattacks threaten the stability of enterprises and societies. In this digital space, personal data misuses represent direct threats on individuals and individual liberties as well. Although solid regulations like EU GDPR are tackling the challenges of data protection, there is still an important risk that organized crime and governmental hackers target personal data, enforcing data protection as another challenge. 

The recent advances of AI let us foresee how much it can help to protect our societies against these threats. This is notably by providing support for data analytics, decision support and crisis management, improving the surveillance processes to increase situational awareness and response, assisting in mastering the technological environment that is constantly evolving toward more automation, more personalization, more speed.