Membership rules
Members are expected to be qualified researchers in AI and/or Security. Members are nominated by the Chair, and are subject to IFIP approval. Observers are nominated in the same fashion. Normal practice for IFIP WG12.13 is to offer each individual presenting a paper at Working Group meetings the opportunity to become a member or an observer.
Members are expected to participate actively in Working Group activities. At minimum, active participation means presenting a paper or taking an active role in the organization of a meeting at least once every four years (i.e., a four-year period of inactivity is taken to indicate that the member is no longer actively interested in this technical area and can be cause for dropping the member from the roster).
Observers are expected to attend at least one meeting every four years (i.e., a four-year period of non-attendance is taken to indicate that an observer is no longer actively interested in this technical area and can be cause for dropping the observer from the roster).